Monday, March 7, 2011

That was bizarre...

Feeling badly most of the day.  Hungry in the morning, and irritable.   Can't really put a finger on what exactly was off, though.  Muscles achy, and tired.  Emotionally, too.  Just want the day to end so I can sleep.  Haven't felt that way since, well, since this fast started.  Cold, and shaky.  Todd came home for a couple of hours this afternoon and asked me what I wanted most for him to do.  I said, "Watch the girls so I can take a nap."  Crawled into bed and shivered.  I think I finally slept, but it was a very, very light sleep, because I never lost that alert feeling.  When I tried to get up after an hour, it was like lifting a ton of bricks.  Moan.  Still shaky, still cold... Went downstairs and started making some juice.  Not hungry at all. 

Now, later in the evening, the symptoms have mostly worn off, but I have that quiet feeling your body gets after an illness.  Was that just a detox episode, or what?

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