Friday, February 25, 2011

Here's to you, kid

So today is my birthday.  I'm 34, which isn't so old.  I'll always be younger than my husband, which is immensely comforting, oddly enough.  But this day really brings home to me why I need to do this juice feast.  Because I can feel myself dying.  My health is falling apart.  This heart beats too fast; I get winded going up the stairs, these legs that used to jog 15 miles a week can barely hold my weight when I stand up from a chair.  If I don't actually have knee problems yet, I will soon.  I can no longer sleep on my back, just as if I were pregnant.  I'm chronically exhausted.

I don't want to die young.  My family needs me.  My girls need me, not merely to stay alive but to show them how to live.  And I need me, too.  I only get this one body; no trade-ins, no returns.  Can't abuse it and then swap it for another.  Rescuing this body is going to take a hero, and I need to be that hero.

So here's to you, kid.  You're going to live.  Happy birthday.


  1. So that was weird...I think my comment was too long...breaking it up!

    I’ve been thinking about your grocery shopping list for this weekend, and here are my initial thoughts:

    Apples – At least 30. If you are aiming to last the whole week, then I’d shoot for more like 50. I don’t know if you juice these as much as I do, but on my juice fast I was going through at least 6-8 a day.

    Carrots – Since I put these in almost everything, I’d plan on a pound a day. Maybe pick up ten pounds and see how long that lasts you?

    Lemon/lime – At least 10.

  2. Celery – You want to juice one head a day, but it doesn’t stay fresh in the fridge forever. This is one of those things you will want to get mid-week as well. Maybe pick up 4-5, and see how many more you’ll need on Wednesday?

    Cucumber – I juiced a lot of this, so I would have bought 10-12, probably.

    Leafy greens – Start with at least 4 bags. This is another one that won’t stay fresh for a whole week, so you’re aiming to get through the midweek. Try to juice at least 1 bag a day…I know that sounds like a lot, but you really need the minerals!

  3. Other things as you enjoy them: what I have above were my “staples” and the rest I bought less of and tried to vary…oranges, grapes, pineapple, pears, grapefruit, melon, strawberries, red bell peppers, cabbage, tomato, sprouts, etc. Make sure you have an overflowing selection of as many different things as you can find. The bright colors and choices will help motivate you to keep making and drinking juice throughout the day. Remember that the key is “abundance” and you will probably want to buy MORE than you think you’ll need.

  4. That reminds me – it’s important before the 1st to make some changes to your kitchen. Move as much of the kids’ and Todd’s food to out-of-sight places like the back of the pantry. Clean out the fridge and make as much room as possible. You’ll want to store your stuff in the front of the fridge, and in prominent places on the counter. The last thing you’ll want is to open up the fridge and be staring down a big block of golden cheese every time you go to take out your carrots, for example. I know you can’t avoid making food for the rest of your tribe, but tailor your surroundings to reinforce the importance of what YOU are doing. You might be surprised to see that the girls (and maybe even Todd) will be drawn to your food during this time as well!

    Don’t forget to check out Angela Stokes’ website and “Juice Feaster’s Handbook,” I think it was called.

    Happy Birthday to US!
