Thursday, March 3, 2011

Humming along

That really sums up how I'm feeling today.  Without the highs and lows in blood sugar that I'm used to from eating a traditional American diet, my emotions and energy are on such an even keel.  It's really nice, actually.  Like switching from fighting through rush hour traffic to driving, alone, on a 4-lane highway, with cruise control.

I'm not yet juicing as much celery and leafy greens per day as Angela recommends.  In 3 days of juicing, I've gone through 2 heads of celery, 1 head of green leaf lettuce, 2 (small) heads of romaine, and nearly a head of red leaf.  However, I do feel that I am drinking very nearly as much leafy green juice as I can right now.  For example, I juiced a romaine heart this morning in my fruit juice, and it took an entire pineapple to mitigate the bitterness so that it was drinkable.  I think if I focused more on spinach and less on green leaf, I could get more down, but it still wouldn't be half of the 2lbs (yikes!) recommended.

Had another dizzy spell today, at the exact same time as yesterday's.  12:40pm.  Very strange.

1 comment:

  1. You are off to an amazing start. I also never reached the levels of juice and greens recommended. Not once, in the whole 92 days. But I got as close as I could, and I really did make a very strong effort, and it worked out well for me. The closer you can get, the better – for your health, the ease of transition, and the ability to actually stick with it.
