Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Okay, by request...

Feeling pretty good, even though I'm technically not supposed to yet.

Had a dizzy spell after lunch today.  The girls' lunch, that is.  I, of course, had juice, but since I drink juice all day long, it can't techinically be called "lunch."  I was sitting at the computer and all of a sudden felt a buzzing, light-headedness and a strong urge to hold on to something as the room spun around.  It passed, though, and I've been fine since.

I absolutely hate the way my mouth feels.  There is a think starchy whiteness coating my tongue and the backs of my teeth.  It goes away after brushing, only to return shortly.  I'm not sure if it's caused by the juice itself or from an empty stomach or the cleansing process or what, but I have been forewarned, so it's not alarming.  Can't remember if it's supposed to last the whole fast, though, and I hope not!

Have decided I do not like the taste of green leaf lettuce or romaine in my juices.  Red leaf is okay, as is spinach.  I think I may have to limit myself to those two greens for the duration of the fast.

1 comment:

  1. Dizzy is perfectly normal. I hear that celery juice is good for addressing it, but again, perfectly normal. As long as you are sure you are drinking *enough* (how many cups did you do yesterday?), and as long as it passes quickly, it's not anything to worry about.

    I'm really surprised you had the white tongue so quickly. It took me at least a month to get that. I do remember feeling that starchy stuff on my teeth, though. I got used to it; brushing helped.

    Are you taking more pictures?

    How much leafy greens/celery are you using?
